![]() Even Barack Obama is tweeting about it. Social media everywhere is being used to show everyone's support for gay marriage in the states. We updated our profile pages to reflect this support as well! Love is love. According to this article: You simply can't ignore the red today. From images of equal signs filling up your Facebook feed to people dressed in all red, the bright color is everywhere on and offline. That's because today is a huge day for gay-marriage supporters. Today marks the first of two days of Supreme Court hearings over crucial same-sex marriage laws. Today, the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 is being discussed and tomorrow the court will address the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prevents same-sex couples from marrying nationally.
There wasn't much business on the agenda to discuss at the March 18th General Membership meeting. We had a great discussion about the possibility of becoming a scent-free work place and our workplaces' score on the CUPE Eco Audit (not great).
We have many members with environmental sensitivities that would love for the workplace to take a stance on being scent-free and using cleaning products that are more sustainable and causing less sensitivities. According to this site: People with sensitivities often suffer from headaches and other neurological symptoms that can be disabling. Willis said she lost her teaching job because of her sense sensitivity and she had a stroke at Eagle Ridge Hospital because of a toxic fragrance. "Thirty per cent of the population is extremely bothered by fragrance and perfume," Willis told Coquitlam's council-in-committee Monday, adding, "This is a worldwide issue." What is meant by scent-free? When we talk about scents, we usually mean the smells or odours from cosmetics (perfume, make-up, shampoo, deodorant, etc.) or from other products such as air fresheners, cleaners, etc. Unfortunately, there is no exact definition for scent-free, fragrance-free or unscented. Products labelled as unscented may actually contain ingredients that are used to mask or hide the smell of other ingredients. According to Health Canada, when labelling cosmetics, the following terms are used: Fragrance Free or Unscented - This means that there have been no fragrances added to the cosmetic product, or that a masking agent has been added in order to hide the scents from the other ingredients in the cosmetic. While it is important to be aware of the lack of consistency when these terms are used by various manufacturers, the terms can still be a rough guideline when choosing products. Can scents cause health problems? When scented products have been blamed for adversely affecting a person's health, some or all of the following symptoms are reported:
The severity of these symptoms can vary. Some people report mild irritation while others are incapacitated and/or must give up many 'normal' activities in order to avoid exposure (such as going to public places). These reactions can be known as a condition called environmental sensitivities. According to the Women's College Hospital: "Environmental sensitivities (ES) describes a chronic condition whereby a person has symptoms when exposed to certain chemicals or other environmental agents at low levels tolerated by most people. The symptoms may range in severity from mild to debilitating. ES has also been called multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical intolerance, environmental hypersensitivity, environmental illness, toxicant-induced loss of tolerance, and idiopathic environmental intolerance." What types of products are associated with environmental sensitivities?Any product or chemical may be associated with environmental sensitivities. As stated by the Public Service Commission of Canada "Individuals with environmental sensitivities may have adverse reactions to foods, chemicals or environmental agents, singly or in combination. ... Environmental sensitivities include adverse reactions to specific allergens, such as cleaning agents, dust, perfumes or building construction materials." This document focuses on sensitivities from scented products. Other documents that may be helpful include: When dealing with a sensitivity issue in the workplace, be sure to address any and all possible causes. What types of products contain scents?Scents are included in a very large range of products including:
I have read that there are carcinogens in fragrances. Is this true?While it depends on the formula, there can be chemicals in fragrances and related products that have been determined to cause cancer in occupational settings or in laboratory animals. The OSH Answers document What makes chemicals poisonous? has more information about the effects of chemicals on the body. Are there any labeling requirements for products or cosmetics?In some cases, yes, but these labeling requirements may not give you all the information you may need. For example: Products like cleaners and air fresheners sold to the general public (in grocery or hardware stores) require consumer labeling only. These labels focus on immediate hazards such as corrosion (burns to skin/eyes), explosion, fire and poison. Only certain ingredients will be listed on the package or product. To find out all of the ingredients in the product, it may be necessary to contact the manufacturer directly. Legislation from Health Canada requires labels on the outside packaging of cosmetics. These labels contain a list of all ingredients as used in the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients system. This requirement provides consumers with the information they need to make informed choices about the cosmetic products they buy. Are there laws in Canada that cover environmental sensitivities?Yes. Accommodation is required under the federal and provincial human rights Acts. For example, according to the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC): "This medical condition is a disability and those living with environmental sensitivities are entitled to the protection of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The Canadian Human Rights Commission will receive any inquiry and process any complaint from any person who believes that he or she has been discriminated against because of an environmental sensitivity. Like others with a disability, those with environmental sensitivities are required by law to be accommodated. The CHRC encourages employers and service providers to proactively address issues of accommodation by ensuring that their workplaces and facilities are accessible for persons with a wide range of disabilities." Source: Canadian Human Rights Commission Employers should be aware that there are differences between individuals, and build these concepts into their workplace standards or policies as proactively as possible. What steps should I take when implementing a scent-free policy in the workplace?As with most workplace policies, be sure to consider the following:
What is an example of a policy?Policies should be based on the health concerns of employees. The policy must also apply uniformly throughout the company. Sample: Scent-Free Policy Policy:Due to the health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, ABC Company Inc. has instituted this policy to provide a scent-free environmentfor all employees and visitors. Definitions:The use of scented products will not be allowed within the building at any time. In addition, all materials used for cleaning will be scent-free. A list of locally available scent-free products is available from the health and safety office. Procedure:Employees will be informed of this policy through signs posted in buildings, the policy manual, promotional materials and will receive orientation and training. Visitors will be informed of this policy through signs and it will be explained to them by their host. This policy is effective on 01/01/13. What should the posted notice say? Signs should be posted near the entrances to company building(s). In addition, statements on business cards, letter head or promotional materials may be helpful if you receive a lot of visitors. Examples include: Some people who work at ABC Company report sensitivities to various chemical-based or scented products. We ask for everyone's cooperation in our efforts to accommodate their health concerns. In response to health concerns, ABC Company has developed a Scent-Free Policy. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume, and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Staff and visitors are asked to not use these products when reporting to this office. ABC Company is a Scent-free environment. Please do not use scented products while at work. What are sample questions for an employee survey?Sample questions include: Have you ever been affected by scented products?
How should our company become scent-free?
Would you accept a Scent-Free policy for ABC Company? (Yes, No)
Are there alternatives to a scent-free policy?Try to identify the exact source of the problem, if possible. Reduce all emissions from building materials, cleaning products, etc. Maintain good indoor air quality. Ensure that air is being replaced with fresh air, and that scents are not simply being recycled throughout the building. In some cases it may be necessary to approach an individual who continues to use or wear scents. This request may come from human resources, the supervisor, management, the union, or according to terms of the policy and procedures as set by your organization. Note that the person suffering from environmental sensitivities does not have to be the one to approach the other individual. As with any human rights issue, it is not necessary for the affected individual be identified. The London and District Labour Council Invites you to our Action Assembly:
Rebuilding Collective Power and Re-imagining Resistance OPSEU Regional Hall 1092 Dearness Dr., London, ON Saturday, March 30th, 9:30am to 4:30pm As the Austerity Agenda adopted by governments in Canada and Ontario continues to devastate the social and labour gains won over decades by unions and social justice organizations and activists, it is critical that we educate and mobilize to build collective power and to form effective strategies to challenge the Austerity onslaught. It is clear that we will be facing further historic and escalating attacks on unions which threaten many of the foundational rights of unions. Sisters and Brothers, we must fight back. The London and District Labour Council and the London Common Front invite you to participate in our March 30 Assembly, which will focus on the global context of Austerity and the provincial and local dimensions of Austerity with two internationally known keynote speakers. The Assembly will also have a range of workshops that will focus on current social and labour struggles and provide forums for developing strategies to educate more broadly; to fight back and to build our collective power and grassroots movements. Please register early to ensure access-- spaces are limited. Send contact information and workshop choices to Stewart Wise [email protected] Please send your name and contact information; three workshop choices in order of preference and any diet needs or other considerations. A donation of $20 is appreciated to help cover costs. Agenda Registration: 9:30am-10:00 am Welcome and Introductions: 10:00am Key Note Speakers: 10:15am-11:15am David McNally a well known activist and professor of Political Science at York University; his work includes analysis of the global Austerity agenda and activist resistance. Some of his books are Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism and Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance. Dimitri Lascaris was named by Canadian Lawyer Magazine as one of the 25 most influential lawyers in Canada and has been quoted frequently in national and international media. He will address effects of the Austerity agenda on Greece, and his analysis includes that a prime objective of Austerity measures is to destroy unions. Questions and Discussion of Strategies: 11:15am to 12:00pm Lunch: 12:00pm to 1:00pm Workshops: First session 1:00pm-2:00pm Break 2:00pm-2:15pm Second session 2:15pm-3:15pm Workshop Choices: 1. The Attack on Unions/Workers: This workshop will feature materials to educate members and the community about the threats to unions proposed by the Harper and Hudak Conservatives. There will be discussion of strategies for getting the information out broadly and engaging workers and community in the Workers Rights Campaign 2. Education Fight Back: Local education activists and the Canadian Federation of Students will provide information on the most recent attacks on post-secondary education and the Hudak plan to undermine accessible public education. Participants will be engaged in a discussion of strategies for fight back. 3. Your Rights at Risk: The Canadian Civil Liberties Association will address the civil, legal and protest rights challenges of the Austerity agenda with references to Bill 115, the current threats to unions and the human rights violations at the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto. They will engage participants in discussion of ways to defend our democratic rights. 4. Workers Action Centre: This workshop will provide information and discussion of the range of work done by the Workers Action Centre to support all workers, to counteract labour rights violations that are increasing in workplaces and to address their campaign to raise the minimum wage 5. Migrant Workers: This workshop will engage participants in discussion of the current exploitation of migrant workers in Canada; how that relates to the overall attack on workers by the Harper government; and the development of solidarity strategies and actions. 6. Direct Action: This workshop will address the principles and techniques of direct action; and provide opportunities for discussion of a range of strategies and examples of effective actions. Plenary Session with reports from workshops: 3:30pm-4:30pm Rally 11:00 a.m. - March 1:00 p.m. - Fair 1:30 p.m.
OISE Auditorium 252 Bloor St. West (St. George Subway Stn.) Fair at Ryerson - 55 Gould St. Dance by Camp Sis at 707 Dundas St. West at 8:00 p.m. ------------- For tables [email protected] Rally and march organized by: Women Working with Immigrant Women & IWD Organizing Committee Fair organized by: Ryerson Students' Union & Ryerson Women's Centre Funding provided by: CAW, CUPE, CFS & The Steelworkers Thank you so much to our members Laura, Teresa, Alison and Tiffany for giving up their weekends and attending spring school! An education is very important and we're proud of our members for supporting the labour movement! Great job!
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January 2021